Leveling the playing field for people in need.
TCF supports community-based organizations that address the needs of at-risk youth and formerly incarcerated individuals.
Long Beach, CA • Nashville, TN • Denver, CO
“The Casey Fund’s investment in Purpose Preparatory Academy has made a significant impact in the lives of students and the local community, and their support has been vital to our school’s success.
By funding our teacher recruitment strategy, The Casey Fund has ensured we recruit a diverse, driven staff and are equipped to develop them through both internal and external professional development opportunities. We have been able to utilize the expertise of partner organizations for both the training of staff and curriculum and assessment development.
Notably, The Casey Fund has not limited their support to financial contributions. Jurrell and Ryann Casey have welcomed opportunities to share their time and talents, contributing to the positive character development of our scholars.”
-Lagra Newman,
Founder and Head of School of Purpose Preparatory Academy (Nashville, TN)
“We love having the support of The Casey Fund, which has been meaningful for Project Return at two levels. First and foremost, their generous dollars have gone straight to the signature services and support that we provide to people who come to Project Return, people who want more than anything to leave prison behind. But what’s also valuable about TCF’s support of Project Return is the authenticity of Ryann and Jurrell’s involvement, their passionate belief in our cause, and their powerful voice in support of this work and the people we exist to serve.
The connection is real, it comes from their hearts, and we are honored by their warmth and commitment.”
-Bettie Kirkland,
Chief Executive Officer of Project Return (Nashville, TN)
The Casey Fund is the first organization that Free Hearts had ever partnered with and they are much more than a partner - they are more like family to us and to the families that we serve and with whom we organize. Seeing them show up several times year after year, they have grown up with us as an organization and have built real relationships with people in our community. Jurrell and Ryann and The Casey Fund as a whole have been so caring, supportive, creative, consistent, and dedicated in service of our people...we love them dearly and are blessed to have them in our lives and in our community.
Although they have moved, they will always have a home and a family here in Nashville!”
-Dawn Harrington,
Executive Director of Free Hearts (Nashville, TN)